We are incredibly proud of all our students who have excelled not only academically, but also developed as well-rounded, responsible global citizens.
Biological, Biomedical & Life Sciences, McGill
Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, McGill
Studies in Life Sciences, UTSG
Medical Radiation Sciences, McMaster
Life Sciences and Biochemistry, Queens
Medical Sciencess-Chemical Biology, Western
Medical Sciences-Physiology & Pharmacology, Western
Bio-Medical Science, Guelph
Biological Sciences, Calgary
Rotman Commerce, UTSG
Sauder School of Business, UBC
Management (BBA) (Co-op) , UTSG
Commerce, UTM
Mathematics/Financial Analysis and Risk
Management (Co-op) , Waterloo
Honours Arts and Business, Co-op, Western
Business & Society, York
Computer Engineering, The University of Utah
Computer Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University
CS, Saint Louis University
SoftwareEngineering, Arizona State University
Engineering Science(Co-op), UTSG
Architectural Studies, UTSG
Engineering Co-op, McMaster
Bachelor of Applied Science, UBC
BSc in Engineering, Alberta
Physical & Mathematical Sciences, UTSG
Mathematics, UTSC
Mathematics Co-op, Waterloo
Physics Co-op, Waterloo
Mathematics/ Financial Analysis and Risk Management (Co-op), Waterloo
CS, McMaster
Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster
Engineering, McMaster
Physical & Mathematical Sciences, UTSG
Computer Science (co-op), UTSC
Mathematics (Co-op), Waterloo
Business Administration & Mathematics Double Degree(Co-op), Waterloo
Physical, Earth, Math & CS, McGill
Bachelor of Applied Science, UBC
CS, McMaster
Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster
Biotechnology Co-op, McMaster
Amberson was the only one international private school invited to CCO (Canadian Computing Olympiad, only 30 Invitees throughout Canada)
Amberson’s competition team achieved the 31st in the Euclid Mathematics Contest, out of a total of 1,101 participating Canadian schools.
The campus has a total area of 50,000 square feet with outdoor football fields and baseball diamonds, indoor gymnasium, science laboratories, multimedia classrooms, cafeteria and much more facilities.
Amberson has been continuously dedicated to students’ personal growth, with nearly 100% of Amberson’s students being admitted to universities and in excess of 90% students have been admitted to prestigious universities.
To expand students’ global perspective and foster creative thinking, Amberson offers a selection of over 50 courses for them to choose from, greatly enhancing their freedom in course selection and developmental pathways.
Amberson nurtures student growth beyond the traditional curriculum integrating the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Through our clubs and activities, Amberson supports creativity and innovation beyond reiterating course materials.
Phone:+1 905-889-0688
Telephone:+1 905-889-0688