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Course Selection Service

未标题-1.jpgOntario high school students applying to universities need to submit their grades from 6 courses taken in 12th grade. However, different universities and programs have varying requirements for the specific grade 12 courses. Therefore, grade 12 course selection is incredibly important as it determines whether you can be admitted to your desired university and program.


Generally, universities only have requirements for certain courses in grade 12. Courses that are required to meet specific entrance requirements are considered mandatory courses, while courses that is not required as admission requirement are elective courses. Elective courses can be chosen based on your academic strengths and personal interests.

1-on-1 Guidance Support

Our experienced guidance counselors provide personalized course selection advice based on students' interests, hobbies, and university major preferences. They offer comprehensive recommendations to help students make informed decisions regarding their course choices.


Grade 12 Course Selection Guidelines are provided as a reference. For specific and accurate information, please refer to the official websites of respective universities.



Liberal Arts/Arts




G12 English ENG4U

G12 Advanced Functions MHF4U

G12 Calculus and Vectors MCV4U

G12 English ENG4U

G12 Visual Arts AVI4M

G12 English ENG4U

G12 Advanced Functions MHF4U

G12 Calculus and Vectors MCV4U


Below are selections based on specific program:

G12 Biology SBI4U

G12 Physics SPH4U

G12 Chemistry SCH4U

G12 Computer Science ICS4U

G12 English ENG4U

G12 Advanced Functions MHF4U

G12 Calculus and Vectors MCV4U

G12 Physics SPH4U

G12 Chemistry SCH4U



G12 Data Management  MDM4U

G12 International Business BBB4M

G12 Accounting BAT4M

G12 Economics CIA4U

G12 Business Leadership BOH4M

G12 Food and nutrition HFA4U

G12 Family Studies HHS4U

G12 Challenge and Change in Society HSB4U


Generally, these two majors have relatively few requirements for G12 courses, so there is more flexibility in elective course selection. When choosing courses, you can consider subjects you excel in and find easy to learn, such as business courses, social science courses, art courses, and so on.


In cases where most of the required courses have already been determined, there might be limited room for elective courses in STEM fields. At such times, it's advisable to choose some relatively easier elective courses to boost your overall GPA.



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Phone:+1 905-889-0688

Telephone:+1 905-889-0688